Physical Therapy Services

Find a Program for Your Unique Needs

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to physical therapy for patients at PT Northwest. We know that you are coming to us for unique reasons, so no treatment plan is the same when it comes to our patients.

Each of your sessions are overseen by a physical therapist or physical therapy assistant. Each one is trained on how musculoskeletal diseases and disabilities can affect patients. They understand how to manipulate the body to improve mechanics, reduce pain and restore function to the affected area.

Clinic Based Therapy Services

There are physical therapy services available to you, no matter your age or issue. We cover everything from pediatrics to geriatrics, women’s health to neurology, and orthopedics to sports therapy. We are proud to offer these services at our clinics throughout the Willamette Valley, where you can receive treatment from our team of physical rehabilitation professionals. Services available at our clinics include:

  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Athletic Performance Training
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Ergonomic Assessments & Training
  • Osteoporosis Programs
  • Focused Therapy for Pediatric & Adolescent Patients
  • Pelvic Therapy
  • Bone Density Testing
  • Independent Wellness Programs
  • Community Health Symposiums
  • Women’s Health Programs
  • Balance, Vestibular and Fall Prevention Therapy

Conditions PT Northwest Can Treat

Our team is ready to create a custom rehabilitation program to meet your unique needs. People need physical therapy and rehabilitation for a variety of reasons, and we have a team of professionals that cannot only build a program that can help you reach your goals, but will help restore your active lifestyle so you can get back to doing what you love. We provide treatment for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Neck & Back Pain
  • Chronic Pain, Acute Pain & Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Head and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Injuries Sustained in an Auto Accident
  • On-the-Job Injuries
  • Orthopedic Injuries or Post-Op Recovery
  • Pelvic Floor Issues
  • Bladder/Bowel Dysfunction
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  • Strokes
  • Vestibular/Balance Issues

Our Process to Physical Therapy Treatment

When creating a treatment plan during your first visit, we evaluate your movements, range of motion and muscle strength. Your history, any issues you’ve been having and your current goals are all taken into account to paint the big picture for your treatment plan.

PT Northwest provides physical therapy at ALL of our locations:

Corvallis Clinic

Phone: 541-602-4423

physical therapy Keizer PT Northwest

Keizer Clinic

Phone: 503-463-5231

physical therapy Monmouth PT Northwest

Monmouth Clinic

Phone: 503-838-4244

physical therapy Salem PT Northwest

South Salem Clinic

Phone: 503-585-5131

West Salem Physical Therapy

West Salem Clinic

Phone: 503-391-5542

Silverton Clinic

Phone: 503-873-1647

physical therapy Stayton PT Northwest

Stayton Clinic

Phone: 503-769-7131

Physical Therapy Willamette University PT Northwest

Willamette Clinic

Phone: 503-769-7131

Woodburn Clinic

Phone: 971-983-5206